Character Codex - Round 22 - Half-Elf Fighter and Monk

Greetings Chroniclers! I want to especially welcome everyone finding us through Tumblr! We had a lot of new followers stop by this past week and let me personally welcome you all!

If you're wondering what's going on here, I'm drawing my way through all 77 race/class combinations in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook and with this week's entries WE'VE HIT 50!! We're currently doing the half-elves.  If you've missed any previous entries you can catch up HERE!

Hey, do you use Roll20 or another virtual tabletop? You can pick up the half-elves so far as free Character Codex tokens suitable for use in any virtual tabletop environment! Each week I'll put that week's characters up and you can pick up the whole set by the time that race is done. Missed a race? You can pick up the whole pack in the Artist's Shop.

Want to support the Character Codex? Have me draw your own personal RPG character!  RPG Character Sketches are inexpensive and a great way to show off your characters unique qualities.  You can find out more about that HERE!

Now, let's take a look at this week's Half-Elves!

Half-Elf Fighter

Half-Elf Fighter

First up is the Half-Elf Fighter! If you're reading the comic (and if not, why not!?) then you'll recognize this guy as our resident Guildmaster, Thalin. This a younger Thalin, from his days as The Lone Wolf, the infamous thief and adventurer.

Thalin is another example of a half-elf who identified with his human side. Thalin was raised by his human mother, Ayn in Lower Haven. During the time he is drawn in here, he spent time with the desert rangers know as the Arkari who are mostly human. He learned their dual sword techniques and was gifted a pair of scimitars which he fights with to this day.

So, a thief with ranger fighting techniques? Why is he listed as a fighter? Well, when I gave him stats, I gave him fighter levels for the feats. He's as much a dexterity fighter as he is a rogue. (Plus, the half-elf rogue will be female!)

Half-Elf Monk

Half-Elf Monk

Next up is the Half -Elf Monk. This monk belongs to the same monastic order of Vrae, the god of balance and order, that the Elf Monk belongs to. So, here we have a half-elf who identifies more with her elven side. She finds peace and joy in the balance of nature and the world around her.

This monk would adventure to look for greater understanding of the Great Order and to help others find that understanding as well.

That's it for this week's Character Codex! Stay tuned for more entries, we only have 27 more to go!

Don't forget to come back tomorrow for more Thalin action in Chronicle!

The Chronicler's Notes - "Where's the Content?!" - August 18, 2014

Greetings Chroniclers!

I know it's been a bit since we did one of these, but I wanted to let you know what's going on with the site.  Things have been pretty light lately because of some real world changes. As most of you know, Chronicle is a side venture for me. I do have a day job and recently I've been interviewing for a new job. So, my spare time focus has been brushing up on the skills necessary for that new position. Well, it paid off and I got the new position! I start a week from today and am really looking forward to it.

What does this mean for Chronicle? Well, until I get a schedule down, things may continue to be light around here. I'm committed to a weekly strip and will continue to do so. It's priority number one. But, that means if I get behind on the strip then things like the Character Codex may not get a weekly update while I'm finishing the strip. That being said, there WILL be a Character Codex this week and maybe a Fun Art Friday even! *gasp*

The upside to this is that I can cover Chronicle expenses better and maybe get some merch going if there's an interest! 

Hopefully, this is just a temporary change and once things have settled down with the new job, Chronicle will be up and sailing better than before. I love doing this and I love seeing your responses to it! 

As always, check back in, follow us on social media, and spread the word!

Have a great week!

Character Codex - Round 21 - Half-Elf Cleric and Druid

Greetings Chroniclers! We're back after a bit of a break. I apologize for the radio silence, but I took a much needed holiday and am back and ready to draw!

If you're new here, I'm drawing my way through all 77 race/class combinations in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.  We're currently doing the half-elves.  If you've missed any previous entries you can catch up HERE!

Do you use Roll20 or another virtual tabletop? Make sure to pick up some free Character Codex tokens suitable for use in any virtual tabletop environment!

Want to support the Character Codex? Have me draw your own personal RPG character!  RPG Character Sketches are inexpensive and a great way to show off your characters unique qualities.  You can find out more about that HERE!

Now, let's take a look at this week's Half-Elves!

Half-elf Cleric

Half-elf Cleric

Up next, is the Half-elf Druid. One of the chosen of Belagaea, Mother of The Wild, this druid walks the wilderness protecting nature and warding off those who would destroy it.

This half-elf shows tendencies more towards her elven side, in this case a Saesyn or wild elf. She may either be a wise woman in a Saesyn tribe or a guardian roaming the Deep Wood.



First up is the Half-elf Cleric. This fellow is a cleric of Dikai, the god of Order and Protection in Chronicle. One of the neat things about clerics on Pathfinder is that they are proficient with the favored weapon of their particular deity.  So this guy gets a nice longsword to use!

As with the last half-elves I wanted to shoe how some half-elves identify more with their human side and some identify with their elf side.  Dikai is predominantly worshiped by humans, as legend has it that he created the humans. This cleric was apparently raised in human civilization and in the worship of Dikai.

Followers of Dikai seek peace through law and order and often adventure in order to protect the common folk and keep order throughout the land.

Half-elf Druid

Half-elf Druid

That's it for this week! Next week, we'll be looking at the Half-Elf Fighter, Monk, and possibly (depending on time) Paladin.  

Finally, make sure to come back for the new Chronicle strip tomorrow!