This is the first in a series of kid Star Wars characters. I grew up playing at being Han Solo and Luke Skywalker. So, I thought it would be fun to see them as kids at play! Obviously I will do the main cast. But what other Star Wars characters would you like to see as a kid? What would they be playing with? Leave a comment below!
Character Codex - Round 17 - Halfling Fighter and Monk
Greetings Chroniclers! Welcome to the Character Codex!
We're working our way through all 77 race/class combinations in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. We're showing off the Halfling Fighter and Monk today. Normally I do the Paladin in this batch but I've been under the weather and ran out of time. I'll try to have three next week. If you've missed any previous entries you can catch up HERE!
Virtual tabletop players, make sure to pick up some free tokens suitable for use in any virtual tabletop environment.
Want to support the Character Codex? Have me draw your own personal RPG character! RPG Character Sketches are inexpensive and a great way to show off your characters unique qualities. You can find out more about that HERE!
Now, let's take a look at this week's Halflings!
Halfling Fighter
The Halfling Fighter here is a staple that I wanted to put my style to... the Halfling Duelist. Why a fighter and not a rogue? One word... feats. This mid-level fighter is a flurry of thrusts and parries. She may be small but she's deadly.
Her style is patterned a bit after the illustrations in old dueling manuals. Gloves and doublet over flared long sleeves. The scarf is in line with the dashes of color that Chronicle's Halflings, better known as Caun, throw in.
Halfling Monk
For the Halfling Monk, I wanted to do something a but different. Typically, Halfling monks are depicted as nimble acrobats, tumbling between people's legs and tripping them up. The Caun of Chronicle are indeed nimble but they also like to have a good time! So I made my monk a Drunken Master!
I wanted to show that, yeah, this guy's drunk off his butt, yet at the same time he has the clarity of instinct that Drunken Masters in Kung Fu movies have. I had so much fun drawing this guy and am super pleased with how he turned out.
That's it for this week! Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter! Come back tomorrow for a new Chronicle!
Character Codex - Round 16 - Halfling Cleric and Druid
Greetings Chroniclers! Welcome to the Character Codex!
We're working our way through all 77 race/class combinations in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. We're showing off the Halfling Cleric and Druid today. If you've missed any previous entries you can catch up HERE!
Virtual tabletop players, make sure to pick up some free tokens suitable for use in any virtual tabletop environment.
Want to support the Character Codex? Have me draw your own personal RPG character! RPG Character Sketches are inexpensive and a great way to show off your characters unique qualities. You can find out more about that HERE!
Now, let's take a look at this weeks' halflings!
Halfling Cleric
First up is the Halfling Cleric. Halflings in Chronicle are known as Caun. They are a wandering race, travelling from city to kingdom. Caun are favored by Jul, goddess of creativity and travel. It is said that she delights in their stories and so a worship of Jul involves the telling of stories around a fire and offering sacrifices into the bonfire .
A Caun cleric would wear the flowing clothes associated with so many other priests, yet she does still wear armor for practicality's sake. The staff she is holding is a minor relic called the Walking Stick of Jul. Among other powers the Walking Stick will point the way to your destination.
Halfling Druid
Next is the Halfling Druid. This guy is something special. This is based off of the character one of my friends, Matt, is playing in my current Pathfinder game set in the Chronicle world! If you're curious how my RPG Character Sketches look, here you go! I may have gotten the hair color wrong, but other than that I am so pleased with how this one turned out.
The character's name is Traveler, he's a Reincarnated Druid from Ultimate Magic. He's been reincarnated a few times and has developed an eclectic assortment of gear. The two most notable items are the intelligent spear that looks like a Marlin and the intelligent scarf with various gaming boards knitted into it. Both of them talk to Traveler and each other and have their own little rivalry going.
That's it for this week! Make sure to come back tomorrow for a new Chronicle strip and on Friday for the latest Fun Art Drawing! As always, Like and Share on the Social Media of your choice!
Character Codex - Round 15 - Halfling Barbarian and Bard
Greetings Chroniclers and welcome to the Character Codex!
We're working our way through all 77 race/class combinations in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. We're showing off the Halfling Barbarian and Bard today. If you've missed any previous entries you can catch up HERE!
Now, I know, I'm skipping ahead by doing halflings, but I have a reason. After halflings then we'll do half-elves, half-orcs, and finally humans,
Virtual tabletop players, make sure to pick up some free tokens suitable for use in any virtual tabletop environment.
Want to support the Character Codex? Have me draw your own personal RPG character! RPG Character Sketches are inexpensive and a great way to show off your characters unique qualities. You can find out more about that HERE!
Here come the halflings!
Halfling Barbarian
First up is the Halfling Barbarian. Halfling Barbarians have become a bit more common in the last decade or so with several tabletop RPGs having these wild halflings roaming deserts and plains. So I went in a slightly different direction and made her a sea reaver. I grew up on Dragonlance and there were sea barbarians in that setting. They were pirates, but more like actual pirates and less like swashbuckling Jack Sparrows. It was nice to see these barbarian pirates show back up in Pathfinder.
For her design I wanted her to wear flowing clothes that could breathe well on the open water. Also, halflings on Chronicle, called Caun, love bright colors, scarves, sashes, and patches. So I had to toss a few on her. She's very utilitarian in design. More function, less flash than other pirates. Her harpoon is actually a medium-sized one handed harpoon.
Halfling Bard
Next up is the Halfling Bard. The Caun of Chronicle are nomadic and they keep their history in stories and in song. Most Caun can tell a good story or hum a nice tune, but Caun Bards are something special. They are masters of their trade and one of the few classes of Caun that the dwarves of Jaxstein will allow into the dwarven capital.
As I mentioned previously, Chronicle's halflings love color. Patches and scarves add accents and this guy has already begun to accessorize his performance outfit. The green hair comes from their fey blood. We'll get more into that in the coming weeks. But one of the key differences between Caun and regular halflings is that they are fey, giving them that odd social disconnect that so many fey have.
That's it for this week! Next week we'll take a look at the divine side of halflings with the Halfling Cleric and Druid.
As always, leave a comment if you have one, If you like what you see here, please Follow, Like, and Share this on the social media of your choice,
Character Codex - Round 14 - Gnome Sorcerer and Gnome Wizard
Greetings Chroniclers and welcome to the Character Codex!
We're stepping our way through all 77 race/class combinations in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. We're showing off the Gnome Sorcerer and Gnome Wizard today. If you've missed any previous entries you can catch up HERE!
We've finished up the gnomes this week! I hope you all have enjoyed a look at the most maligned race in the core rules. I've enjoyed drawing them and getting to show off some potentially interesting ideas with them.
Next week, we're moving on to halflings. Now, I know, I'm skipping ahead, but I have a reason that you will all see shortly. After halflings then we'll do half-elves, half-orcs, and finally humans,
Virtual tabletop players, make sure to pick up some free tokens suitable for use in any virtual tabletop environment. Since this is the last week for the gnomes, the tokens will rotate out and you'll be able to start picking up the halflings.
Want to support the Character Codex? Have me draw your own personal RPG character! RPG Character Sketches are inexpensive and a great way to show off your characters unique qualities. You can find out more about that HERE!
Okay, let's look at some gnomes!
Gnome Sorcerer
First up is the Gnome Sorcerer. With the gnomes, I wanted to show how they could be more than just the annoying fey folk. They could be cool, tough, comical, and, yes, even sexy. This is our gnome fire dancer. I would imagine she's from the Choreography Division of the Bureau of Liberal Arts. They're all a bunch of reprobates down there.
This was my first real drawing with my new Surface Pro 2. Not too bad for my first go, but you'll see with the wizard that my line quality was still in transition here. I'm really loving the better sensitivity the Surface has in comparison to my old tablet. I can really tell a difference.
Gnome Wizard
Next up is the Gnome Wizard. This guy is the head gnome. Chief Librarian of The Great Library and Director of the Gnomish Nation, Norminthallis of the Bureau of Magical Archival Studies. Norm is a venerable sage who seems to know everything. Many such sages retreat to isolated mountaintops but he chooses to continue his work in the Great Library where he is accessible to any gnome with a question. He is often found walking through the stacks offering tidbits of advice to any researchers and looking over their designs. To him, this ensures that the Gnomish Nation moves forward.
Norm doesn't wear the robes of a wizard or sage. He prefers a more presentable three-piece suit (a new design from the Bureau of Fashion!). He does seem to always wear gloves, one of his quirks. Gnome wizards do not typically join the Brotherhood of the Threefold Path like wizards of other races. Gnomes believe that the Brotherhood is more of a political organization and less scholarly than their own bureaus.
That's it for the gnomes! Make sure to check back tomorrow for a new Chronicle strip! We'll see you next week with the Halfling Barbarian and Bard!