Greetings Chroniclers!
Welcome to another week here at Chronicle!
Wow. May was huge. Seriously guys, I am humbled by the response my four-month old website has received. Whether you came here for the comic, the Character Codex, or my Fun Art Friday Drawings (or hopefully all of them!) I want to thank you so much for stopping by to check out what I have to offer. I hope you keep coming back and that you like my work. Comments are always welcome, I leave the comments on at the bottom of every page for you to leave your input, so feel free to do so if you have some.
Here's some quick numbers for you, to show how awesome you guys are. 17,794 page views total, 7191 of those were just in May. 8104 unique visitors total, 3162 unique visitors in just May. 719 page views just on May 22. We will pass out 10,000th site visit most likely this week!
Seriously. Thank you.
Now, onto new stuff.
Preview of Strip 20
- The World of Chronicle kicks off Halfling Month with a look at Chronicle's spin on halflings, the Caun.
- The Character Codex moves into Halflings on Wednesday with the Halfling Barbarian and Halfling Bard
- This week we hit Strip 20 in the comic with some big revelations about our mysterious adventurers. Make sure to come back on Thursday for that!
- Friday, we'll have another fun drawing! I got a LOT of great response from Rocket Jayne. If you haven't seen it yet, make sure to go check it out. T-shirts are now available in the Artist's Shop.
- Which brings me to the NEW Artist's Shop! I've added more items and made navigation a bit simpler. Please consider purchasing something. We've got a great thing going and I want Chronicle to support itself.
Have a great week and thanks again!