Here we are again, drawing our way through all 77 combinations of races and classes in the Pathfinder RPG/d20 core rules!
Elf month continues here at Chronicle!
This week we have the Elf Cleric and the Elf Druid. If you want to see everything so far, check out the Character Codex Gallery. Also, for you Virtual Tabletop users, we have free downloadable tokens available!
Don't forget to come back tomorrow for the comic where our resident elf sorceress, Elysia, begins to investigate the Slumripper's Dagger.
Now onto the characters!
Elf Cleric
First up is the Elf Cleric. In many ways the Celasyn elves remind me of Japan during the Warring Kingdoms period. There is a monarch who is mostly a figurehead, rival houses vying for the true power, a growing trade with outsiders who are not completely to be trusted, and a fear that they are losing their cultural identity due to these outsiders. To push that a bit further I designed this cleric of Belagaea to look like a Shinto priestess. Her ceremonial robes are covered by her banded mail breastplate. All of this is colored green and yellow, the colors of Belagaea. All clerics of Belagaea are trained in Belagaea's favored weapon, the longbow. To allow for mobility when drawing the bow, the sleeves can be untied at the top and her arm can be pulled free. The sleeves are actually only stitched to the robe at the bottom to create a hinge. For the bow's design I went with the asymmetrical yumi or japanese longbow.
The Elf Druid is a Saysyn from the Panther Clan. I wanted him to seem almost feral and so the drawing has a bit more of a sketchy feel than this style has had with the past couple of drawings. Here he's invoking his totem animal, perhaps as a precursor to wildshaping into a large panther and pouncing on some hostile intruder into the Old Wood. The breeches are really nothing more than braided straps of leather. You can see a similar design on the Elf Barbarian. Since this guy's a bit more of a wild one, his breeches aren't as neatly wrapped. For his staff, I went with a smaller stick rather than the usual carved branch. Something this size can be wielded at quick speeds and still deliver a devastating blow if the defender is caught off guard. I feel like that's a bit more in keeping with his style.
Elf Druid