The Untamed LAnds
Taiga - Sam Burley (Wizards of the Coast)
Welcome to the Untamed Lands
It has been fourteen years since the dragons returned - 14 years since the Tearing of the World.
A new generation has come of age and is ready to claim these Untamed Lands for its own.
This campaign will focus on exploration, treasure hunting, and building refuge in a dangerous world. A comfortable bed and a hot meal may sometimes be as valuable a treasure as a golden idol. There will be encounters and challenges that can be resolved peacefully and some that can not.
Here are a few specific changes to the standard Chronicle Campaign Guide (see below):
All Sorcerer boodlines are allowed.
Paladins of Dikai are allowed though Paladins are still extremely rare in general.
Spellcasters: ALL magic is weakened. Spells do not automatically work. They require a Spellcasting Check (1d20 + Proficiency Bonus + Spellcasting Modifier) vs DC 11 + Spell Level. Failure results in unintended consequences (see below). Spell slots do not apply.
d20 roll
1-2 Reversed: Opposite effect OR desired effect on opposite target…DM adjudicates.
3-8 No Effect: Spell fizzles rather unceremoniously.
9-12 Varied: Intended spell cast at diminished OR augmented caster level (determined by DM)
13-18 No Effect: Spell fizzles rather unceremoniously.
19-20: Consequence: Depending on the source of power, a serious consequence occurs.
Arcane Magic - Wild: Anything could happen (determined by DM)
Bestowed Magic - Crisis: The connection with the higher power is weakened and that spell is no longer available until after the character spends time reconnecting and takes a Short Rest. Crises are cumulative. If a character ever has more crises than their total character level, they have a Lapse of Devotion.
Lapse of Devotion: If a character has a Lapse of Devotion, their spellcasting and becomes unavailable until they perform an act of contrition such as pilgrimage or vision quest. All other class abilities are still available.
Character Creation Specifics
We will begin at 1st Level. Advancement is based on attendance but is designed to ramp up quickly and then plateau. See Advancement page below for specific details.
Any of the Standard D&D ability generation methods are allowed. If rolling manually, use 4d6 drop lowest.
Standard equipment options plus one COMMON magic item (subject to approval).
Please also have answers for the following questions. You may need to discuss with the other players via open chat or with the DM via private chat?
How many parents do/did you have and what are/were their names?
How many siblings do/did you have and what are/were their names?
Where is your homeland?
What is your favorite food from your homeland?
How are you connected to at least one of the other party members?
Who is one non-party ally that you have (this can be as vague or specific as you like)?
Who is one non-party rival that you have (this can be as vague or specific as you like)?
What is your best talent?
What is your worst fear?
How are you connected to at least one other member of your party?
After The Tearing, the world is more dangerous than ever. It is hard to find rest outside the walls of civilization.
Long Rests are only possible in a Sanctuary and require three days' time.
A Sanctuary is defined as having all of the following:
- safety from threat of an attack (ex. an area that does not require a watch to be set)
- comfort (i.e. not hard stone, extreme temperatures, etc.)
- tranquility (ex. peace and quiet)
It is impossible to find Sanctuary in the middle of a Journey.
Short Rests require a night's rest and are only possible if at least one of the above is possible. Short Rests are possible on Journeys depending on roll results.
Wilderness Journeys
Step 1: Embarkation
What are the circumstances of your departure? Is your morale good? Is the way clear? Is there foul weather ahead? What is your pace?
a) Determine Travel Difficulty
Pace x Length | Short (1-5 Days) | Medium (6-10 Days) | Long (11+ Days) |
Slow | Easy (1) | Moderate (2) | Hard (3) |
Normal | Moderate (2) | Hard (3) | Severe (4) |
Fast | Hard (3) | Severe (4) | Daunting (5) |
b) Assign Roles
- Guide: Persuasion and Survival
- Scout: Stealth and Investigation
- Hunter: Survival and Stealth
- Lookout: Perception
c) Embarkation Roll (Guide rolls d12 + Persuasion - Difficulty)
Step 2: The Journey
What happens on your Journey? Are you attacked? Do you make a discovery? Does something block your path?
Journey Roll (Scout rolls 1d12 + Investigation - Terrain Difficulty mod - Embarkation mod on Journey Table)
Terrain Modifier:
- Easy: +1 to the result rolled
- Moderate: No modifier
- Hard/Severe: -1 to the result rolled
- Daunting: -2 to the result rolled
Roll once for each map unit (hex/square)
Step 3: Arrival
How do you arrive at your destination? Hale and Hearty? Haunted and Harrowed?