Lexyverysi “Lex”
Lex is a young Saesyn (wood elf) who has found herself as the ward of a Celasyn (high elf) ranger named Jade. Accompanying him on his missions for the nation of Celaque, they frequently butt heads concerning instinct and honor.
Lexyveris grew up in the ancient forest of Saeque until a terrible fire destroyed the home trees and scattered the survivors. Lex hopes someday that her people will be reunited and find a new home.
When in battle, Lex is tenacious. Attacking first and asking questions later, she is deadly with her aim though it can get her into trouble. She will attack from afar using her bow to look for opportunities to land Sneak Attacks while her companions engage up close.
Lex is recognizable by her messy pile of red hair with its streaks of black. She has green eyes and almost always a smile on her face. She wears loose fitting clothes reminiscent of her people's dress though Jade has instilled a sense of Celasyn modesty in her.
History of Lex
“Lex started out much more as your typical rogue. She was good at sneaking and picking pockets. Her introduction into the campaign roughly coincided with the introduction of Jade so we strengthened that connection as we were writing the script. Unfortunately, their introduction would have been in Issue 3 of the comic book which never saw publication. The duo of Jade and Lex is straight out of Shakespeare. Lex was Julie’s character so we naturally spent a bit more refining that story. It will one day see the spotlight.
Note that on her original character sheet, she did not have her fantastic hair! Apparently, that came later. The other thing to note on that sheet is that she spoke Kagonesti. As with the other original characters there was a strong Dragonlance influence and Kagnoesti was the name of the wild elves from that setting. The Saesyn that exist in Chrionicle now still have notes of Kagonesti today.” - Than, The Chronicler
Lex was played by Julie Angela.
Lex’s Original Character Sheet
Lex’s Original Character Sketch by Julie Angela
Lex’s Original Concept Art by Julie Angela