Arcane Brews of Elimet

Rumors throughout Belanthos speak of magically fermented alcoholic drinks crafted by masters who closely guard the secret recipes and processes required to produce them. These drinks are given only to those who are worthy of the potent power they contain. While there may be more, these are the ones known to exist. The cost to purchase a single drink of any of these is 15gp and must be done so at the specific location listed. Those who wish to learn must undergo extensive training to learn the secret art of Arcane Brewing.

Learning How to Brew with Magic

Before you can learn to brew, you must first find an instructor to teach you. Any of the locations specified in the drink entries will have someone who could possibly teach you.

The training lasts for 30 days and costs 2 gp per day. After you spend the requisite amount of time and money, you gain proficiency with Arcane Brewer's Supplies. If you already have proficiency with Brewer's Supplies, it takes you half the time and money.

Arcane Brewing (Downtime Activity)

Arcane Brewing takes 14 downtime days and 50gp worth of ingredients to craft a magical drink. Upon completion of the required time, a skill with your Arcane Brewer's Supplies is required. The specific ability and DC required is found in the entry for the beverage you are attempting to brew.

If the check is successful, you create 1d6 viable mugs of the drink. A brewer, as part of their Arcane Brewing Supplies, will have access to a total of 3 handkegs. A separate beverage can be prepared in each handkeg. Once prepared, beverages can also last for up to 4 weeks within a handkeg.

Failure on a Brewing check results in the brew being nonmagical. If the failure is by 10 or more it is undrinkable.


After drinking, make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. Failure results in the drinker being drunk and receiving the Poisoned condition. Failing by 10 or more causes the drinker to pass out. They receive the Unconscious condition and will only wake up after a long rest with one level of Exhaustion.

A character can only have the effects of one beverage at a time. Drinking a different beverage will replace the effects of the first one but the drinker will need to make another Constitution saving throw. Failure on this one causes the drinker to pass out.

Arcane Brews by Region


Black Jack Dark Ale

DC 16 Intelligence (Brewer’s Supplies) check
Brewed specially at the Phoenix Tavern in Black Moors in honor of their fallen lord, the drinker becomes as charming as its namesake for 1d4 hours. Gain advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks.

Crimson Rose Cider

DC 15 Intelligence (Brewer’s Supplies) check
Brewed by the Crimson Rose Tavern in Freeport, bottles are bought by sailors to steel their courage before traveling the Crescent Sea. +1 to AC.

Threefold Riesling

DC 14 Wisdom (Brewer’s Supplies) check
Made within the halls of the Academia de Magicka, this sparkling white wine grants advantage on Intelligence saving throws for the next 1d4 hours.

Toryavik Mead

DC 14 Wisdom (Brewer’s Supplies) check
Brewed especially for the Lord of Toryavik and served in his meadhall, this potent drink grants the drinker advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks for the next 1d4 hours.



DC 24 Intelligence (Brewer’s Supplies) check
A subtle wine made from Celaque Rice and a secret blend of elven herbs, this is often used in ceremonies commemorating a life. The drinker gains 30ft of darkvision along with the ability to cast Daylight in the next 2d4 hours. Additionally, characters become resistant to necrotic damage for the duration.


DC 22 Wisdom (Brewer’s Supplies) check
A rice wine made by Saesyn elders who gather wild rice and medicinal plants to make it. The drinker gains the ability to talk with plants and animals, as per the spells Speak with Plants and Speak with Animals. Additionally, characters also gain advantage on all Intelligence (Nature) and Wisdom (Animal Handling, Survival) checks. These effects last 1d4 hours.


Black Gull Stout

DC 15 Intelligence (Brewer’s Supplies) check
Brewed by the Black Gull Brewery in , this thick black drink grants the drinker advantage on Constitution saves for the next 1d4 hours.


DC 18 Wisdom (Brewer’s Supplies) check
A whisky distilled by Black Gull Brewery for the clerics of Jax in Jaxheim, Jaxishka eases the worries of a long life. Characters who drink this beverage will feel the worries of life slip away. Drinking this before a long rest will allow characters to gain the effects of a long rest in 3/4 the regular time, and wake up with Temporary Hit Points equal to one Hit Die roll.

Lookout's Lager

DC 14 Wisdom (Brewer’s Supplies) check
Brewed at the Flapping Flag tavern in Stoneharbor, this lager is often drunk by sailors as a good luck charm before setting out on a voyage to Synthos. It grants the drinker advantage on Intelligence (Perception) checks for the next 1d4 hours.

Other Regions

Tarathonian Syrah

DC 12 Wisdom (Brewer’s Supplies) check Made with grapes collected from the Tarathon River Valley at the Seyfou Winery in Upper Haven, this red wine is often used in celebrations and toasts to each other's health. It grants the drinker 5 temporary hit points, which last for 1d4 hours.

Zendrillian Brandy

DC 18 Intelligence (Brewer’s Supplies) check
A product of the Bureau of Brewing and Distillation, the drinker is able to gain back 2 spent hit dice or a single spell slot. This effect can only occur once every 1d8 days.

Bonus Magic Item! Keg of Holding


To craft a Keg of Holding, follow the downtime rules for Crafting Magic Items in Xanathar's Guide to Everything.

There are different types of Kegs of Holding:

Kegs of Holding

Keg Type Rarity Wt. Capacity Time Required Materials Cost
Full Rare 25 lbs 500 gal 100 days 2000 gp
Half Uncommon 12 lbs 250 gal 20 days 200 gp
Hand Common 6 lbs 125 gal 10 days 50 gp