Aldric is a young half-elf who recently graduated from the Academia de Magicka. Earning the rank of Initiate in the Order of the Fair Hand, he now embarks on his first mission for the Brotherhood of the Threefold Path.
Aldric was raised by his human mother in the remote village of Hommlet. After graduation, he returned home briefly and was presented with a magic staff by his former tutor. Though he does no know its full extent, he believes that the staff has deeper magic that he worries he may not be worthy enough to unlock one day.
When in battle, Aldric will rely on his spells first. He will use Seeker Flame (the Brotherhood's refined version of Magic Missile) to weaken his opponent then follow-up with Firebolts and finally his staff. He will always hold a slot or two for healing magic, available only to wizards of the Order of the Fair Hand.
Aldric is recognizable by his long blonde hair and deep blue eyes. He wears simple white robes and an Amulet of the Threefold Path, both symbols of his Order. When he casts a spell an Arcane Mark flashes on the left side of his face, signifying his membership in the Brotherhood as well.
History of Aldric
“Aldric was always a young initiate to an order of wizards sent on his first mission. That order of wizards has been modified and renamed many times over the years, mostly due to my basing them on the Wizards of High Sorcery from Dragonlance. Today the Brotherhood of the Threefold Path is still slightly divided by color by no longer relies on alignment to divide them, rather it is by function. There is a lot to Aldric’s story that has never seen the light of day and I really hope I get to finish his story some day.” - Than, The Chronicler
Aldric was played Nate Barney.
Aldric’s Original Character Sheet
Aldric’s Original Character Sketch by Julie Angela.
Aldric’s Original Concept Art by Julie Angela.